Set in a low-fantasy universe, Age of Alchemy takes place in a time where the discovery of Alchemy has brought about a de-facto industrial revolution, propelling a classical feudal society into the future. It’s a period of intense turmoil, wealth, and change; an age where chaos and opportunity are two sides of the same coin.
Age of Alchemy: Night of the Horde
One night. One city. And you can turn the world upside down.
From the billowing smokestacks of industrial transmutation to the military's Poisoned Ones, Alchemy has ushered in a new Age of wonders and dreams.
Far from the centers of power and progress, the small city of Ashtry comes under assault. Hope seems lost. Nothing is what it seems.
A leader who manipulates those around him.
A legend standing in his way.
A disgraced noblewoman on the prowl for opportunity.
An idealist forced to confront reality.
An aristocrat tragically out of his depth.
Who will you follow? Who will you trust? Who will survive the Night of the Horde?